Max Rohowsky, Ph.D.

My ToDo List (i.e. coding challenges) for this Blog.

Prio: 1 |add social share
Prio: 1 |Debut twitter open graph image:
Prio: 1 |On mobile fix blog post css disp vs postion - sticky explainer is broken
Prio: 1 |Menu should automatically close when i select something
Prio: 1 |on mobile the breadcrum has a silly line break. remove it
Prio: 1 |ZoomImage only available on desktop not mobile. On mobile it makes the images smaller
Prio: 1 |on mobile the viewcount needs no right padding. remove it
Prio: 1 |Add googel analytics with opt in
Prio: 1 |Fix youtube embeds with opt in
Prio: 1 |Call to action X
Prio: 1 |Twitter embeds
Prio: 1 |Youtube embeds
Prio: 1 |Add Code sandbox
Prio: 1 |on mobile devices the hover needs to work only when someone touches a post
Prio: 1 |The way popular content is handled on the landing page is silly, a flag in the frontmatter in both projects and posts would be better
Prio: 1 |It doesnt make sense to have every blog post in a folder and then page. That's silly see
Prio: 1 |Fix "jumping" date formats in posts
Prio: 1 |Links on langing need to work
Prio: 1 |Read more in dark mode needs other color
Prio: 1 |move published and updated under tags
Prio: 1 |IF toc empty, dont show it
Prio: 1 |Clean the code
Prio: 1 |Maintain dark mode across sites -> fixed with next LINK :)
Prio: 1 |Handle space between elements on landingpage with spacer component:
Prio: 1 |Add SEO meta tags.
Prio: 1 |Deploy!
Prio: 1 |Migrate all the posts from WP to .mdx.
Prio: 1 |Socials dropdown causes layout shift. Unf**k it.
Prio: 2 |Sidenav needs to stay a fixed size
Prio: 2 |The header I scroll to should be blue in the blog
Prio: 2 |Add Not found page
Prio: 2 |when i click on a blog on the homepage, I should be routed to it
Prio: 2 |Projects are "viewed, Blogs are read more".
Prio: 2 |Filter on the right not left (see projects).
Prio: 2 |Link up the stuff under popular content.
Prio: 2 |Add sidebar with Content that sticks.
Prio: 2 |Create layout for the blog posts.
Prio: 2 |Make a breadcrumbs path.
Prio: 2 |Add a sitemap.
Prio: 2 |Add transitions between routes. -> slows the page significantly when loading :(
Prio: 2 |Add a possibility for people to subscribe to updates.
Prio: 2 |Add the page not found page.
Prio: 2 |Update the robots.txt.
Prio: 2 |Use react spring to make the wiggly project previews.
Prio: 2 |Bring back the about me.
Prio: 2 |Make project and blog hero look less bland.
Prio: 2 |Add affiliate link gear store to your page.
Prio: 2 |Add viewcount to this blog.
Prio: 2 |Animate the light mode dark mode toggle.
Prio: 2 |Add filter to blog tags.
Prio: 2 |Add links to the items under "popular content".
Prio: 2 |Optimise spacing on Landing page so that it is consistent.
Prio: 3 |Cookie saves read articles.
Prio: 3 |What if cars where scratch cards you move over them to reveal the preview.
Prio: 3 |Ascii art in console
Prio: 3 |too many filters and no matches? add a funny meme
Prio: 3 |the arrows of the popular items are not perfectly aligned with the center of the text. so annoying.
Prio: 3 |Understand import fs from 'node:fs/promises'mentioned here:
Prio: 3 |Add and optimise the OpenGraph images.
Prio: 3 |Cookie banner thing.
Prio: 3 |This would be nice:
Prio: 3 |Touch grass.
Prio: 3 |Sound effects?
Prio: 3 |Correct the privacy policy. (Borrring)
Prio: 3 |Add a decode effect: to something because it's cool.
Prio: 3 |Bonus: when i filter for a tag, that tag should turn green.